Welcome to my online library

Hi, I’m Phoebe Greenacre and welcome to my sacred space for self care and healing. I’m a Somatic therapist, meditation and yoga teacher and my passion is to help you feel better in your body, mind and soul. The Self Care Space is a place for you to dive in and reconnect with what your body needs every single day. The monthly membership gives you access to my ever growing library of self care videos which include: Yoga Flows, Guided Meditations, Yin Therapy, Pilates, Breath work, Sound Healing and more. These tools will help you dive deeper into your body and give yourself that “ME TIME” you deserve.  These self care tools and mindfulness techniques that bring calm, wellness and balance to your life in just a few minutes a day. Or dive deeper into the layers of the physical, emotional and spiritual body with my longer 75 mins classes. The choice is yours to create your perfect daily self care rituals.

The Self Care Space Library

love notes from the community

Thank you for that beautiful YIN class. It was so emotional - I wasn't expecting that. I also love the poems you share in class - they always touch my heart. x Sara

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your meditations have helped me deal with my emotions and holding space for them. I'm so glad I stumbled across your instagram page. X Anna

This space is what I have been looking for. I use to feel anxious every day, and now I have so many tools to help ground myself. Thank you! x Morgan


You can take The Self Care Space wherever you go. From home, to work, you are only just a click away from feeling calm and grounded.